In 2018, I knew I needed to slow down. I knew I needed to savor the life we had built, the family we were given, but I didn’t know exactly how to do that. I’d never been successful reading the Bible regularly. It was old, it was hard to understand, I didn’t know where to start, and I gave up before I ever really got started. But this year I set it as a goal for myself, to become more knowledgeable of the Bible and be more active in my faith.
Read MoreSharing My Story
In January of this year, I sat down, committing to write more. And every time I did, I felt uninspired, and without real purpose. So this past year, I focused intensely inward. On my sweet little family, and on myself. We had less time with friends (sorry for that!), but spent time more intentionally around our home. I stopped watching TV, I started reading the Bible each day, and I took a 3 month break from social media. I did lots of thinking and journaling and reflection, and praying. I wish I could say I achieved all the goals I set out for myself for 2018, but I didn’t. I made great progress in some (many around my faith), and no progress in others (my overall health, energy level, and fitness). But myself and my family look much different coming into 2019 than we did coming into 2018. And I’m so thankful for this past year, even though it’s looked so much different than I expected.
As we get ready to enter 2019, I feel I have found my purpose to share, the inspiration to do so, and the foundation on which I want to share. My life and my story are complex and messy, but all of ours are. I believe that in moments of transparency, honesty, and vulnerability, we build bridges and encourage others. So many times I’ve felt alone, like I’m the only one experiencing these struggles, and yet every time I open up about something, there is someone bold enough to share their experience with me to help me not feel so isolated. And while I feel like my life is an open book to any in my circle, I feel the calling to expand that circle, and offer encouragement to others I may not have regular conversation with.
Building on the progress in our family is important to me for 2019, but so is better reconnecting with those friends I’ve missed, and so is opening up about my story, and my journey in this life. I have not done it all well, and in fact have stumbled more than I’ve succeeded. Maybe if nothing else, you get a few laughs from my adventures in motherhood, marriage, work, and life. And just maybe you’ll find a bit of encouragement, a moment of realizing you’re not alone, and the ability to keep your head up!
Cheers friends, here’s to an incredible 2019!
So much of my focus in 2018 was centered around these two amazing children, which was so, so worth it!
photo by my talented and amazing sister-in-law Carli @rodeocityphotography